A direction of intention


A direction of intention

“Whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”                     St. Paul, Colossians 3:17

“…and being found in human form, he humbled himself and became obedient unto death, even death on a cross.”                                        St. Paul, Philippians 2:8


A day in the life of a Sister of the Visitation consists of many different activities – meditative prayer, the chanted Liturgy of the Hours, Holy Mass, day to day work of cooking, cleaning, sewing, handling Monastery business, eating, recreation, and sleep.  One thing which helps to unite all these varied actions into one harmonious whole is our Direction of Intention.


Article III of our Spiritual Directory for the Sisters of the Visitation of Holy Mary tells us that:

The sisters who wish to prosper and make progress in the way of our Lord, must at the beginning of all their actions, both interior and exterior, ask for His grace, and offer to His Divine goodness whatever good they may do, thus preparing themselves to endure with peace and gentleness of mind, all the trouble and mortification they may meet with therein, as coming from the fatherly hand of our good God and Saviour.


This direction of intention is to be made by each Sister before beginning any action, whether prayer, work, eating, recreation, or sleep.   It is very practical and particular way of both reminding and preparing ourselves to Live Jesus, to do everything in union with Jesus, to join our good deeds with His, and to accept the inevitable trials and tribulations in the same way Jesus accepted the will of His Father, obedient even unto death.


May we each do all of our actions for love of God, offer to Him any good that we do therein, and receive with peace and gentleness any trouble and mortification we may meet as coming to us from the will of God our Father.   Amen.


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